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Thoughts about Me

The New Beginning

Hello again, My name is Merry Sunshine. When I started this blog, we were just coming out of the pandemic. So began our life of the “the new normal”. My new normal has been a great change but not in the way most people would think. My lifestyle before and after, has remained much the same. The major difference between my life before and after is where I live. When… Read More »The New Beginning

Spice is My Life

Spices are a daily part of my life. It is one of the constant items that are in my kitchen. They are essential. As a home cook and a bit of a control freak (only a little), I make my own spices. Buying spices at the store is fine, but I have found with making my own spices I can cater to my own likes and dislikes. The major benefit… Read More »Spice is My Life

Thoughts about me

Hello, My name is Merry Sunshine. In this time of new normal and change, I have decided to take a step forward and help others with the knowledge I have accumulated over the years. I only hold down-to-earth pearls of wisdom but no degrees. However, I did graduate from the school of a hard knock with honors.