Image by reneebigelow from Pixabay
Because I am choosing the light, I am choosing to serve. We all understand the familiar acts of kindness. Some examples are letting someone in front of you in the checkout line or giving up your seat for someone who needs it more. I find the reactions to my unfamiliar random acts of kindness very entertaining. Deciding to serve is not for the faint of heart. Nonetheless, I wish that there are more people out there doing it. Not all reactions to my random acts of kindness are good ones.
Being kind in what I would call my personal zone is usually interpreted in one of three ways. The first one is that people misunderstand kindness for attraction. I have many experiences with that. A few months ago, my apartment building was getting a fresh coat of paint. During the days the paint was being applied, I had to talk to one of the workers on different occasions. Let’s just say that he understood a little bit of English. My last encounter with him was stepping out on my front porch and saying good morning. To my amusement, he started down the stairs, smiling and waving while repeating the same sentence. I found out later that the words were Spanish for very married. Oh well, such is life.
The next interpretation is usually from my neighbors. The why is this person so nice to me neighbors. In preparation for the pandemic, my daughter had a friend who was giving away a freezer. My neighbor, who we will call Joe (To protect the innocent names will be changed), helped with lugging it up the stairs of my apartment. It was great that he helped out because I have very steep stairs. In return, because I was so grateful, I sent food over to his house. I always made an overabundance of food, and sharing is one of the joys in my life. I was thanked and complimented, but there was still this underlying question hanging in the air. Why is this person nice to me, and what do you want in return? We still wave, say hi, and hope that the answer he has reached is nothing.
The last interpretation is the one that mistakes kindness for weakness. For me, those are the ones that need it the most. I can’t save people. People can only save themselves. But I will still be that kind and caring person while watching them drown. I don’t believe in kicking people when they are down, but I will not allow myself to go down with them. Speaking only for myself, I am kind until I’m not. However, the world would be a much better place if we were kinder to ourselves and each other.
I have had heard people ask the question,” what superpower would you want?” I have a superpower, and it is choosing to be kind. We all have this same superpower within every one of us. In this time of turmoil and uncertainty, showing kindness and serving others should be considered showing great strength, not weakness.
Feel free to comment and share. Be confident in who you are and be kind!